Marvel Snap: 10 Best Cards for Beginners

Marvel Snap has emerged among the best Android games where players compete against each other in epic card battles. The primary objective is to secure higher points at two out of the three locations to achieve victory. The game offers a wide variety of cards, each possessing unique abilities and strengths.

To make the most of the gameplay, it’s important to consider the timing of card plays across the six turns allowed for drawing cards. Some cards are most effective when played early on, such as at turn 1, while others shine when utilized on the final turn, turn 6. Interestingly, there are numerous exceptional cards that prove to be winners during these specific turns, making them suitable even for beginners. Here is a curated list of the best cards beginners can confidently choose from to enhance their gameplay.

1. Gamora

Marvel - Gamora
Marvel – Gamora

Gamora is a 5 energy costing card that grants 7 points. In addition to these 7 points, Gamora can endow players with additional 5 points if the opponent places a card in the same location. Given that she costs 5 energy might not be stipulated at turn 6, as the players get to draw an extra card that can break a tie at another location.

Gamora’s point margin can even be enhanced by placing it at locations that can grant additional points. For instance, the location Nexus will apply the card’s powers to the other two locations as well.

2. Klaw

Marvel Snap: Klaw
Marvel Snap: Klaw

In some instances, it may become necessary to play two cards at different locations in order to continue playing the game. These situations can be disheartening for players, especially when there isn’t sufficient energy in the reserve to draw a second card. 

Thankfully, Klaw has been included in the deck. Klaw is a card that costs 5 energy, providing 4 points overall and an additional 6 points specifically to the designated location. This ability alleviates our concerns by ensuring we have an ample supply of points to meet our objectives.

3. Iron Man

Marvel Snap: Iron Man Card
Marvel Snap: Iron Man Card

Iron Man is a 5 energy costing card that has the potential to deliver myriad power. When Iron Man is played, the card’s ongoing ability doubles the total power at this location. This doubling power ability is enough to end the competition in a very single turn.

The card’s sheer potential must not be underestimated with power 0, as it is mere artifice. This ability stands out to be the most enigmatic power that a card has.

4. Enchantress

Marvel Snap: Enchantress
Marvel Snap: Enchantress

In addition to the card limitations, the game limits our plays by adding some irritating locations. For example, the location Danger Room (cards played has a 25% chance to be destroyed). The such effect might not a troublesome on initial turns. Whereas it can turn problematic during the final turns that will choose the fate of the battle.

Enchantress works best at these locations by substituting the effects. Enchantress is best for altering the opponent’s plans.

5. Spider Woman

Marvel Snap: Spider-Woman
Marvel Snap: Spider-Woman

The strategy to enhance powers for all turns might not ensure victory. Some of the situations demand opponents’ power be lowered. For example, Mojoworld grants additional 100 points to the winning side. At this point in time, the best move is to use Spider-Woman.

Spider-Woman will afflict all other enemy cards with -1 power. In addition, Spider-Woman can prove to be advantageous with 5 energy costs with a grant of power 7.

6. Dazzler

Marvel: Dazzler
Marvel: Dazzler

Dazzler is a 4 energy costing card that begets 4 points. The reason to include it in the list is due to her ongoing ability that will offer +6 points at the point when all locations are filled completely.

The location sufficed with 4 cards will be benefitting by additional 6 points. Dazzler can best be utilized at a location where the opponent has drawn Lizard. This will add 6 points to our side, while -4 to the opponent’s hand.

7. Namor

Marvel Snap: Namor
Marvel Snap: Namor

Namor is a 4 energy cost card that grants 6 power and an additional 5 power if there is only one card at the location. However, the supplementary power is deduced once another card is drawn.

Namor can be extremely useful at the locations like The Space Throne which allows only one card to be played at a location. At turn 4 or 5, Namor can guarantee 11 points at this place which can potentially expand the chances of survival.

8. Jessica Jones

Marvel Snap: Jessica Jones
Marvel Snap: Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones is a 4 energy costing card that furnishes 4 power. Besides these, Jessica harbors an on-reveal ability that delivers additional 4 power if a card is drawn at this location for the next turn.

Jessica best employs her abilities in locations that grant power to other locations as well. At turn 4, a player can successfully retain 8 points by just using a card; Jessica Jones.

9. Odin

Marvel Snap: Odin Card
Marvel Snap: Odin Card

Odin is a 6-energy costing card whose on-reveal ability activates the on-reveal abilities of all other cards at this location. Furthermore, Odin obtains 8 powers by placing it.

The proper application of the given card is best when the location has high-point delivering cards like Jessica Jones, Klaw, or White Tiger. If all these cards are stuffed at one location, Odin surely will secure victory over this location.

10. Hulk

Marvel Snap: Hulk
Marvel Snap: Hulk

There is no doubt in declaring Hulk the most efficient card that can be drawn at the last turn. Hulk comes in as a 6-Cost card that markets a whopping 12 Power. Hulk is the only card that has no on-reveal or ongoing ability, but surely brings on a location to our side.

During the beginner’s point of turn, Hulk is the only card that has the highest power, which means Hulk comes as the only choice for turn 6.


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