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Anime Vanguards: How to get Gems fast? (6 Best Ways)

Guide to earn gems in Anime Vanguards

Reviewed By: reviewer avatar Amit Malewar
reviewer avatar Amit Malewar
Amit Malewar is a science communicator, entrepreneur, and blogger. He is the Founder and CEO of Tech Explorist and Inceptive Mind, platforms dedicated to sharing scientific research, innovations, and sustainable living. Amit is passionate about making science accessible and inspiring others with the latest advancements in technology and innovation. He enjoys playing games and playing on the PlayStation in his spare time.

Anime Vanguards is an anime-theme-based tower defense game that gained massive popularity after its release. Players can complete a story to earn gold, traits, Stat Chips, and essence stones but gems are still the most valuable rewards.

Players can progress rapidly with a strong grip over sources that steadily provide gems. Here is a guide to farm gems in the fastest way possible.

How to earn gems in Anime Vanguards?

1. Clear Story Stages

defeat bosses in act to clear stages.
Defeat bosses in ACT to clear stages

Once you unlock strong units in the game, it’s time to test them against bosses in the story. Each stage has several levels (Acts) that reward gems along with beans and gold. To maximize gems, start a new Act in Nightmare Mode. When cleared in the first attempt, additional gems are rewarded.

Players can easily defeat initial stages like Planet Namak and Sand Village with ease using ordinary units

2. Login daily and claim free gems

Daily Reward lets you claim several hundred gems for free when you maintain a login streak. This is the easiest way to collect gems without doing anything.

If you are a beginner, don’t forget to collect 250 gems from the main arena as a welcome bonus.

3. Always complete Quests

completing quests is the best way to farm gems.
Completing quests is the best way to farm gems

From evolving units to crafting rainbow essence stones, everything is listed in the quest section. If you play Anime Vanguards daily, aim to complete Daily Quests for maximum gems. As you can see, daily tasks such as killing enemies, and clearing waves require less effort and are easier to complete.

There are weekly, monthly, infinite, and special quests that require consistent efforts. In the end, rewards are worth the pain you take.

4. Achieve Level Milestones

As you begin to level up through progression, higher rewards are waiting for you. Every 5 levels, players can collect Level Milestones rewards. Level 5 gives 400 gems, 550 gems for level 10 and this amount jumps to as high as 1,300 for level 35.

5. Complete Achievements

auto afk gems with this trick
Auto AFK Gems with this trick

Every Stage has some quests and achievements associated with it. It is recommended to have a look at these tasks before entering battle and form a strategy based on it. Trouble on Planet Namak, Raid on Sand Village, and Disaster in Double Dungeon are some of them that you should complete.

The Collector is a unique achievement to claim resources by summoning units. When you summon your first unit, you get 25 gems and then the amount is incremented after summoning 250 and 500 units respectively.

6. Purchase a Game Pass for extra rewards

game pass gives additional rerolls and gems when you purchase it.
Game Pass gives additional rerolls and gems when you purchase it

VIP and Premium Battle Pass gives extra summons, rerolls, Super Stat Chips, and EXP. These passes are most effective when you enter the Time Chamber. Gems are collected at 2x rate for VIP users and 1.5x for Premium players.

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