In the realm of Stardew Valley, television channels stand as a crucial instrument, providing valuable insights and adding entertainment to players’ boredom. TV channels are not just time-passing things, but they actually mention the actions that a player should focus on. For instance, Livin’ Off The Land teaches new recipes, marking a step further in achieving 100% perfection in Stardew Valley.
There are five channels in Stardew Valley, and most of the players are not familiar with all. A Reddit user, millennium-sky recently discovered that there is an F.I.B.S. (Fishing Information Broadcasting Service) TV channel that offers beneficial information regarding a certain fish, its availability, and its locations. To get a better idea, take a look at the given images that show the fish, its activeness time, and the location where you can find them.
Even though the channel is already an attachment from Stardew Valley 1.5, the reveal came as a new finding for most of the players on Reddit.
Unlock The F.I.B.S. TV Channel in Stardew Valley
Players must complete the quest – The Strong Stuff special order for Pam, to gather the benefit from the F.I.B.S. TV channel. The quest asks players to deliver 12 Potato Juice in 14 days. The potato juice is made by placing the potatoes in a keg, which will take around 4 days to craft. (If you don’t know, here is the best use of Keg to increase efficiency in the game.)
If you already have potatoes in stock, that’s great. If not, you’ll need to plant them. Plan them inside a farmhouse for speedy growth.
After you place the order, a cutscene will pop up, granting you 3,000g and 250 friendship points. The cutscene also illustrates F.I.B.S. channel 736 on Television, and now you can watch it every day and see the fishing opportunities.
Even though it’s been quite a time since the release of Stardew Valley, players haven’t uncovered everything that the game has to offer. For instance, the Advanced Crafting setting which most players never knew existed. There could be something more shrouded still, and something more will be in the next update.
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