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Squirrel With a Gun gets a release date, reveals mind-blowing weapons

Dee Dee Creations LLC in collaboration with Daniel DeEntremont crafted a Three-Person Shooter and Puzzle game in which a tiny rodent, Squirrel acts as the main protagonist. Since the announcement trailer, there has been no official confirmation of the game’s future course but the wait is over. 

Release Date for Squirrel With a Gun Revealed

The official release date trailer reveals the launch of Squirrel With a Gun on 29th August on Steam and Epic Store. Meanwhile, the PS5 and Xbox console launch is expected in later fall of 2024.

Take the role of the neighborhood’s most obnoxious rodent, and throw in a pinch of crime and mayhem in pursuit of golden acorns in this nutty sandbox shooter and puzzle platformer.

Squirrel With a Gun is approximately a 10GB game requiring 8 GB RAM and GTX 1080 for smoother performance. After the global launch, players can grind Puzzles to collect golden acrons while completing the walkthrough of the game.

Weapons are Mind Boggling in Squirrel With a Gun

  • 9mm Pistol
  • SMG
  • Shotgun
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Six-Shooter
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Sniper Rifle

Squirrel being the main protagonist, who mastered the weaponaries in no time. As seen in the trailer, not even a single shot misses the target but showcases mind-blowing stunts with heavy weapons.

Starting with the 9mm Pistol, several bullets hit the rival’s head while the Shotgun and SMG help wipe off short-distance enemies. Rocket and Grenade Launcher extensively destroy the whole area whereas Rifle makes Squires the perfect assassin.

Besides weapons, Squirrel can equip football, cake, boat, phone, Racing Car, and many more things.

The game is well-versed in physics, where recoil force helps Squirrel jump higher and change directions in mid-air. At the same time, nuts spread on the ground with each bullet fire depicting cartoonist twist and style too.

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