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Google Chrome rolls out Material You design for Discover feed

Chrome’s Discover and Following Feed is getting a little Material You redesign tweaks, where the feed articles will be placed in a container.

A few months back, Google rolled out the new UI for Chrome’s Discover and Following Feed. Now the page is getting more rounded corners and dynamic colors (on supported devices). The flag ‘#feed-containment‘ was readily available then, but not functional. In Chrome version 127.0.6488.0, it flawlessly puts the feed in a container.

from the given images, it is clear that the old UI had a common background color with the Google Searchbox and other elements. The given flag has changed the feed’s appearance by placing all the elements in a container with more rounded corners.

The same goes for the Following feed as well. Users might need to follow a site to enable the following feed.

The new container makes browsing the interest-based articles in the feed more elegant. We were able to spot the Dynamic Color flag, but no dynamic theming was triggered. It seems the feature is still in development.

To get the interface as above, users need to enable multiple flags, starting with – #web-feed-sort, #feed-follow-ui-update, and #feed-loading-placeholder.

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