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Clash of Clans: Overgrowth Spell coming in the next 2024 update

Numerous new things are coming in the Next 2024 Update of Clash of Clans. Supercell has already dropped two major sneak peeks of Royal Champion Equipment and new defense levels. At this time, Overgrowth Spell has been revealed which is a fusion of freeze and invisibility spells.

COC Overgrowth Spell coming in the next update

overgrowth spell
Overgrowth Spell

We already have multiple spells that are pretty useful in the battle but COC Overgrowth Spell has distinct characteristics that will soon alert the player.

“tangle the enemy up to take them down”

new spell use
New Spell use

Overgrowth Spell unlocks at Town Hall 12 from the Dark Spell factor and can be further advanced to level 2 in the same stage. For each upcoming TH, a new level adds an extra 2 seconds to the existing 22-second functionality.

Overgrowth Spell Strategy & Tips

tips & tricks
Tips Tricks
  1. Overgrowth Spell has the highest effect 15 tiles wide and 11 tiles cross. So, targeting defenses that are placed closer will result in maximum efficiency.
  2. With 2 spell storage, multiple overgrowth spells can be included in an army or combination suitable to carry a 3-star attack.
  3. It is recommended to take down top-priority defense units such as Eagle Artillery, Inferno Towers, and Xbows.

Have a look at the above video to get an idea about the furious nature of the new spell.

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