The Clash of Clans November 2023 season has brought multiple new skins for heroes and scenery for the village. Along with these, Clan Games will be coming soon with an existing reward list worth completing. For now, 3 new events have been introduced which rewards magic potions on completing them.
Clash Of Clans New Events
Players have a limited time of 3 days to complete each of these events. Below is a list of challenges that are currently live Cold Feet, Shock and Awe, and Big Hearted.
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Cold Feet
Cold Feet has lowered the training cost and time of Ice Golem along with a boost to the army. In order to complete this event, a player has to use at least one ice golem to get victory with 1 or more stars.
Learn: COC Clashy AI
The reward includes 400 XP along with 2 units of training potion. This is one of the easiest missions to accomplish as rush or inactive bases are the primary target for it.
Shock and Awe
Electro Titan is a dedicated event where the clasher needs to win a total of 5 battles by using the magical powers of this troop. At least one unit of Electro Titan is necessary to move forward with the task.
The ultimate reward is again 400 XP but a more valuable gift of Power Potion to boost max level and strength during limited time.
Big Hearted
Supergiants are not only strong defense targeting troops but also help attack melee troops to get rid of damage. Use these tactics to your benefit while completing the Big Hearted event. Simply use 1 or more Super Giants in the battle.
The reward tier list includes 400 XP and 1x Resource Potion useful to boost the production of gold and elixir mines.
Tips and Tricks
Most players focus on completing a trio of events one by one. But it’s actually the wrong approach, just training at least 1 Ice Golem, 1 SuperGiant, and 1 Electro Titan, and the rest of the army capable of letting you win.
Within the course of 5 successful attacks, all three events would be done which eventually reduces grinding efforts. For now, this single tip and trick is useful to claim all the rewards.