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Clash of Clans: October 2023 Balance Changes

Clash of Clans Balance Changes are now live. The last Clash of Clans Balance Changes surfaced in August 2023, and it’s been a while since then. The esteemed Balance Update is more inclined towards balancing the Mashup Madness Event troops like; LavaLoon, Barcher, Hog Wizard, and Witch Golem. More specifically, LavaLoon is more centered, nerfing its health.

While talking about the Nerfs and Buffs, developers stated:

“In a short while, we will have a brief server maintenance to introduce several balance changes to the Clash-O-Ween Troops, as well as some additional balance changes to Builder Base.”

Meanwhile, Buff will be hitting the other Clash-O-Ween troops like Barcher and Witch Golems. Additionally, Builder Base is seen to be toned as well.

Clash of Clans Balance Changes October 2023

clash of clans
Clash of Clans

When the game underwent maintenance mode, communities speculated the changes would be affecting the enduring items and troops. However, shocking Nerf came to the LavaLoon troop, which was seen to be too overpowered than the developers intended.

Read More: Clash of Clans October 2023 Update

LavaLoon Health Nerfed

  • Level 1: 1200 -> 1080
  • Level 2: 1750 -> 1575
  • Level 3: 2300 -> 2070
  • Level 4: 2850 -> 2565
  • Level 5: 3400 -> 3060
  • Level 6: 3950 -> 3555
  • Level 7: 4500 -> 4050
  • Level 8: 4950 -> 4455
  • Level 9: 5400 -> 4860
  • Level 10: 5850 -> 5265

DPS of Other Clash-O-Ween Increased

Barcher’s DPS

  • Level 1: 36 -> 40
  • Level 2: 39 -> 43
  • Level 3: 42 -> 47
  • Level 4: 45 -> 50
  • Level 5: 49 -> 54
  • Level 6: 53 -> 59
  • Level 7: 57 -> 63
  • Level 8: 61 -> 68
  • Level 9: 65 -> 72
  • Level 10: 69 -> 76

Hog Wizard Health

  • Level 1: 215 -> 248
  • Level 2: 325 -> 375
  • Level 3: 435 -> 501
  • Level 4: 545 -> 628
  • Level 5: 655 -> 754
  • Level 6: 765 -> 881
  • Level 7: 875 -> 1007
  • Level 8: 985 -> 1134
  • Level 9: 1095 -> 1260
  • Level 10: 1205 -> 1387

Witch Golem’s DPS

  • Level 1: 175 -> 210
  • Level 2: 195 -> 234
  • Level 3: 215 -> 258
  • Level 4: 235 -> 282
  • Level 5: 255 -> 306
  • Level 6: 275 -> 330
  • Level 7: 295 -> 354
  • Level 8: 315 -> 378
  • Level 9: 335 -> 402
  • Level 10: 355 -> 426

Related: Best Attack Strategy for Clan Capital

Builder Base Changes

clash of clans: builder base 2.0 update

The update has reduced Tesla’s Damage Per Second by 10% and Night Witch Healtpoints increased by 6%. After the maintenance mode, the players can use Battle Machine’s ability is now applied to only two hits, rather than three.

Mine Damage Decreased

  • Level 1: 82 -> 80
  • Level 4: 111 -> 110
  • Level 5: 123 -> 120
  • Level 6: 136 -> 130
  • Level 7: 151 -> 140
  • Level 8: 168 -> 150
  • Level 9: 187 -> 165
  • Level 10: 206 -> 180

Mega Mine Damage Decreased

  • Level 3: 305 -> 300
  • Level 4: 335 -> 330
  • Level 5: 370 -> 360
  • Level 6: 410 -> 395
  • Level 7: 450 -> 430
  • Level 8: 500 -> 470
  • Level 9: 555 -> 510
  • Level 10: 620 -> 550

Clashers Reacts

Just after inducing the buff to LavaLoon, clashers looked a little upset. Some players expected smoother gameplay, meanwhile some unbelieved the developers balanced temporary troops. Humorously, some creators said, “Too Late!”.

However, Nerfing LavaLoon was indeed a good move, as it was so OP that most of the clans stopped Clan Wars for a while. LavaLoon made it much easier to secure three stars, without many tactics and strategies.

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