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Roblox Break In 2: How to Get You Win (Secret Ending) Badge?

With the recent introduction of three new badges in Roblox Break In 2, the developers have added a new flavor to the gameplay. These three badges are; Avoid Humiliation, Reformed, and You Win (Secret Ending).

The You Win (Secret Ending) is a badge introduced on September 24. With the rarity of Insane level, it describes itself as “Feels a bit more satisfying, eh”.

If you are looking to get a Secret Ending Badge in Break In 2, then look no further and browse through this ultimate guide.

Read More: Break In 2 – How to Get Badges?

How to Get Secret Ending Badge in Roblox Break In 2?

secret ending roblox break in 2

Before getting started, it is recommended to select ‘The Sporty’, as it provides energy drinks. These energy drinks play a crucial role in enhancing stamina in the gym. The Sporty is one of the characters in Break In 2.

Using these drinks, try to reach level 3 or 4 of Stamina and Strength. Getting your hand over a formidable weapon in this course is an addition. For now, you can equip Bat.

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Get Golden Crossbar

tree in break in 2 secret winning badge
Hit this tree until it spawns you a Golden Crossbar

Now get yourself out of the base, and find a tree in the courtyard. Hit the tree and cut it with the bat, which will eventually spawn a Golden Spirit or Golden Crossbow. Claim it.

Get Larry’s Hat

larrys hat in break in 2
Either give him a pizza or hit him and forcefully take Larrys Hat Image via PremiumSalad

Besides the tree, you will find the NPC, having trash around him. He will give you a Hat if you give him Pizza, however, there is no need for that. Just hit him and equip Larry’s Hat.

Get Larry’s Mask

larrys mask in break in 2
Avoid those Mud Tornados on the ground and claim the Larrys Mask Image via PremiumSalad

Now, walk towards the opposite side of the Larry’s Hat location. You will spot mud tornados. Avoid them either by jumping or going across them. Get to the end and grab Larry’s Mask.

How to Use Secret Ending Badge?

secret ending option in break in 2
Follow the given steps to use the Secret Ending Badge in Break In 2

Once you have successfully claimed the Secret Ending badge, go into the hall and play normally for some time. When the door asks you for options, select the Secret Ending Badge.

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