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Military Tycoon J20: Jet Parts All Locations (Roblox Guide)

Roblox Military Tycoon is a perfect game for patriotic gamers. Defending your country against the enemy, and expanding the army & defence by finding new parts is fun. At present, the J20 Jet Quest is live and requires 20 parts in order to complete its design and unlock the airplane for future use.

Here is a complete guide on how to get all j20 parts along with Blueprint locations of each piece of those 20 locations. Each location has been explained in destined so no user struggles or has some trouble in finding that spot.

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J20 Jet Engine Blueprint Locations in Military Tycoon

all j20 parts blueprint location
All J20 Parts Blueprint Location

J20 Jet is the newest air-based vehicle and destructive weapon used to protect our land or attack the enemy. At this stage, J20 has been disintegrated into 20 large parts which are randomly present in different locations of the map.

To complete this quest, the player needs to explore all maps to find all parts in limited time constraints to unlock this new jet.

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All locations of J20 Jet in Military Tycoon

locations in military tycoon
Locations in Military Tycoon

Worry not, we know that, it’s very hard and time-consuming to find locations that consist of small or big, sometimes valuable parts of an airplane. The list items contain all part locations available. Have a look:

  1. Part 1: Located at the large bridge near the Mountain Fortress area
  2. Part 2: Present at the corner of the container port of the game
  3. Part 3: Use a plane to locate Red Bridge, it’s present at the bottom side
  4. Part 4: Hidden inside Rusty House between Bridge and Mountain Fortress
  5. Part 5: Situated on a tall crane at the City Crane Drop point area
  6. Part 6: Sideways of Lake near City Crane Center
  7. Part 7: On the top of a series of big mountains
  8. Part 8: Near the bank, use the helipad to locate this one
  9. Part 9: Inside water of center of decoration
  10. Part 10: Inside of house on the table of bungalow present at the forest side area
  11. Part 11: On the roof of the tower watch
  12. Part 12: Right side of the dome of Forest Fortress
  13. Part 13: Below container on River Fortress
  14. Part 14: Now too deep but underwater in the lake
  15. Part 15 & 16: Both located in the sewage outlet of the central city
  16. Part 17: Placed on Oil Rig Tower
  17. Part 18 & 19: Easily visible inside the Factory
  18. Part 20: Bottom area of the container near valleys
best aeroplane in military tycoon
Best Aeroplane in Military Tycoon

With these clues, it is now easy to locate and find all hidden parts of the game. Let us know in the comments if you find any trouble in searching for the rest of the parts of the J20 Jet in the newest quest.

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