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TOP 10 BEST O.T.T.O’s Outpost Level 1 Base Layout in COC

Clash of Clans has released a major update that has introduced Clashers with an exclusive village in Builder Base 2.0; O.T.T.O’s Outpost. The O.T.T.O.’s Outpost is the home and main building of the second stage of Builder Base. Wandering? Where can you find a base that can safeguard your defeat against top players?

However, in order to dominate in this village, players must be familiar with it and search for Best O.T.T.O’s Outpost Base Layout. Thankfully this article does that. Keep an eye on the formation of design where defences are protected while covering tile distance leaving no building unprotected.

ottos outpost base
Ottos Outpost base

Here is a list of the best Ottos Outpost level 1 base which will be playing a crucial role to make sure the player doesn’t offer 3 stars to noob attackers. Level 1 doesn’t mean it’s an unnecessary phase but one crucial in deciding how the player will expand their empire through ideal strategies.

The Base Designs selected here are employed by favored Clash of Clans creators which assures triumph in claiming loot and rewards. Most of the layouts are created by famous COC Youtubers such as Judo Sloth, Sumit 007, Clash Bashing, and many more. This is the reason behind their popularity and sure success rate.

ottos outpost design
OTTOs Outpost design

Otto’s Outpost is newly introduced as 3rd village after Home Village, Builder Hall, and Clan Capital. Not only perfect base but players can easily copy the layout they liked through the links provided at the bottom of the designs.

Being a starter, Ottos Outpost has very limited buildings and is mostly surrounded by well-guarded defenses like Cannons, traps, and Archer Towers.

coc ottos outpost base
COC Ottos outpost base

There are dozens of walls that make it fit to protect the main building from enemy attacking troops.

What is O.T.T.O’s Outpost?

what is ottos outpost
What is ottos outpost

O.T.T.O’s Outpost stands out to be unique in the sense of defense. On eradicating the building players will be claiming an extra star. However, the O.T.T.O.’s Outpost will also summon Zappy.

Zappy is a new defensive mechanism that will appear on destroying O.T.T.O’s Outpost.

In order to unlock OTTO’s Outpost, players are required to reach Builder Hall level 6. The game will ask you for 200,000 Builder Base Gold Coins for upgrading and building OTTOs Outpost.

Once the players have unlocked OTTO, it will act as a permanent second builder in Builder Base.

Must Check: Builder Hall 10 Base Layouts

Best O.T.T.O’s Outpost Level 1 Base Layout

clash of clans: o.t.t.o's Outpost Base Layouts
Clash of Clans OTTOs Outpost Base Layouts

Even though the main building seems to be placed on one side, the base makes it way too harder to penetrate if the attackers chose that side to proceed. Crusher is set to kill an enemy unit with the help of a larger trap supported by giant bombs and push traps. A Cannonball has an infinite range and is concentrated at the center.

clash of clans: o.t.t.o's Outpost Level 1 Base Layouts
Clash of Clans OTTOs Outpost Level 1 Base Layouts

The esteemed layout is highly stuffed with defensive buildings protecting the outpost and preventing star loss. If a player uses ground army, it’s nearly impossible to 3-star as funneling fails, and no effective way to tackle defense teamwork. Thus making it the strongest and most loved layout of the others listed below.

clash of clans: o.t.t.o's Outpost Base Layouts
Clash of Clans OTTOs Outpost Base Layouts

Giant Cannon and Crusher heavily guard the two opposite sides here. New Attacking Strategy needs to be highly skilled to enter the base safely. Only pro players tend to avoid the air army as a trio of air defense is ready to dash minions and baby dragons after entering their long range.

clash of clans: o.t.t.o's Outpost Level 1 Base Layouts
Clash of Clans OTTOs Outpost Level 1 Base Layouts

Claiming one star of the outpost and 50% star might be easy here, but the chances of going taking away the 3rd star are highly negative. Lots of supportive buildings are absent but the overall difficulty remains the same by max out walls.

clash of clans: o.t.t.o's Outpost Level 1 Base Layouts

Same as the above base, this base too makes it almost impossible to three-star it. Slightly titled towards one side and has no wall protection still handles vast invasion thereby stopping to get 2 star initially. Mortar sets small hit points troops to heaven with a single shot so far.

clash of clans: o.t.t.o's Outpost Level 1 Base Layouts

A laboriously guarded outpost will not allow the players to go even with 2 stars. The lower base contains dispersed buildings while the other half has no space for extra decoration. Builder Hall is safely placed and remains there in and after the battle.

clash of clans: o.t.t.o's Outpost Level 1 Base Layouts

Join millions of players worldwide as you build your village, raise a clan, and compete in epic Clan Wars!

Clash of Clans is a free-to-play mobile strategy game, available for Android and iOS. Players start their village building by constructing a strong base and attacks and climb up the ladder of top clans.

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